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Nonequilibrium effects in driven superconducting ringsThe system we study consists of a thin, or quasi-one-dimensional, superconducting ring of finite length driven by a voltage source. The electric field accelerates the supercurrent by acting as a smooth ramp. The system is illustrated in Figure 1. Eventually, the system reaches the critical current, becomes unstable, undergoes a dissipative phase slip state and makes a transition to a state of lower current (we are working below the critical temperature). How the new state is selected, and how dissipation affects the state selection process, are some of the questions we have addressed in our study. Despite the apparent simplicity of the system, it displays very rich and complex physics.
A quasi-one-dimensional superconducting ring provides, at least in some sense, a prototype system to study various aspects involving driven (accelerated) systems in general. In addition to the more statistical mechanics related questions, non-equilibrium superconductivity is of great interest per se (for a details, please see the the book by R. Tidecks). Indeed, the current-induced transitions in superconducting filaments have been a subject of intense experimental and theoretical study for almost three decades. We have concentrated on current-induced phenomena, and in particular, on the emergence of the dissipative nbsp; phase-slip state in mesoscopic systems. When a superconductor (below Tc) is driven (by voltage or current source) to the critical current, several interesting phenomena may occur: the system will enter the dissipative phase-slip state, Joule heating can take place, mode locking, as well as other phenomena, may occur. In our study, we concentrated on the onset of dissipation, and its effect on the dynamics of the superconducting state. The transitions between the current-carrying states can take place via
two fundamentally different routes (see Figure 2.): 1) by
a nucleation process involving thermal fluctuations and an Arrhenius
activation energy barrier, or 2) the system may be driven
to the point of instability by an external driving force. In the
context of nucleation and metastability, the decay of persistent currents
in thin superconductors is an old and extensively studied Problem
(see e.g. the discussion + references in Tinkham's book). However, the
latter involves a decay from a point of instability, and even in the general
context of nonequilibrium dynamics it is a relatively poorly understood
problem. One of the major difficulties is this: whereas in the case
of nucleation the decay is from a metastable state involving thermal activation
and a saddle point, in the latter case the external force drives the system
to a point of instability where there is no energy barrier left, i.e.,
the energy landscape looks locally flat. Then, the decay and the final
state depend on various factors, such as how fast the system was driven,
the relative strength of fluctuations, internal excitations, and so on.
This makes precise theoretical formulation of the problem difficult; it
is not possible to use the free energy formulation as in the case of metastability.
In our study we have used both analytical and computational methods to
investigate the abovementioned problems.
It is important to notice that many of the phenomena observed here are by no means limited to superconducting rings, but appear in many other physical systems ranging from pattern forming systems to lasers. The hope is that the simplicity of our system makes it possible to obtain information about some of the general questions in driven non-linear systems such as state selection and the effect of dissipation on the state selection process itself. The transitions between different current-carrying states occur via a process called phase slip. The applied driving force accelerates the supercurrent leading to an instability, and to a subsequent recovery of the perfectly superconducting state. This cycle is repeated periodically. A phase slip is a point where the system locally loses superconductivity and becomes a normal Ohmic conductor, i.e., the process involves generation of a topological defect. Since we are working below below Tc the system retains the fully superconducting state after making a transition to a state of lower current. The effect of the generation of normal current on the dynamics is an important question. At the phase slip, the system becomes locally metallic and has Ohmic resistance. Due to the resistance, heat is generated. If the heat generated is not large enough to destroy the superconducting state, the system will make a jump to a state of lower current carrying state; this is possible when T<Tc . The name "phase slip" is related to the behavior of the order parameter; the superconducting order parameter is a complex valued quantity characterized by a phase and the amplitude. "Phase slip" refers to a process where the phase can locally make a jump of 2*pi. Similar phenomena occur in Josephson junctions. Movies from our simulations:
References: [1] W. Eckhaus, Studies in Non-Linear Stability Theory,
Springer-Verlag (New York), 1965.
Our publications related to superconducting rings
Last modified Sunday October 23, 2011 |